Splinter Cell Conviction

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  1. Pantamorph

    User deleted

    Hmm, I will try to reinstall it and see what's wrong... (I bought it and downloaded from wap, so maybe it is connected to the jad file - file you get when you buy game)

    Hmm, game works fine, can you try to set Java HEAP to 2 MB and then test it?

    After intense testing, I think that it is really Heap problem, I don't know the default heap in Linuxmod, but in PE it is 2MB
    You can try to make a script like this, run it once and then try to open this game
    DIRNAME=`busybox dirname "$0"`
    grep -q 'JavaHeapSize = 4' /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg && sed s/'JavaHeapSize = 4'/'JavaHeapSize = 5'/g /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg >"$DIRNAME"/ezx_system.cfg || sed s/'JavaHeapSize = 5'/'JavaHeapSize = 4'/g /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg >"$DIRNAME"/ezx_system.cfg
    mv -f "$DIRNAME"/ezx_system.cfg /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg

    Screenshots from my Z6:
    image image
12 replies since 3/4/2010, 15:37   185 views